It was only a year ago that Paper Punk had its first real display with a full product line and a story to tell at a trade show at the Javits. Twelve months, fourteen cities, and thousands of flight miles later, I'm sitting in a hotel room at the Ace the night before the NY gift fair, again. With cola gummies and smart water in hand, I'm celebrating....for logging the miles, for showing up despite the fatigue, for taking one step at time no matter how blindingly dark the uncertainty got at times, for learning to be a little more patient with myself and everything, and for simply making it through the year. Things that endure and have longevity in this world are not born overnight, so I know Paper Punk becoming the legacy toy for the 21st century will take many years. What can I say -- One down and more to go! It's happening.

August 16, 2014 by Grace Hawthorne
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