“Creating the perfect set for your Paper Punk creative” (Art supplies & Accessories)

Creating a set for your Paper Punk is all about storytelling. What story are you trying to tell? What story do you want your creation to be a part of? Everyday supplies like an exacto knife, glue, and tape are essential to creating and designing crafts, but we’d like to highlight a couple that we use to help us turn our imagination into a reality…
You first encounter it in primary school and ditch it in high school, but construction paper is our best friend and it should be yours too. Whether we’re creating a night scene or a beach scene, construction paper is always our best bet to set the tone and help create the right visual. It’s easy to use, colorful, and an oldie but a goodie.
Sticky dots
Sticky dots come in each of your paper punk kits and we provide you with it for a reason, it’s stress free! Unlike glue or tape, you don’t have to commit to forever when using the dots. We prefer using sticky dots to build our sets/scenes too because it also provides a cleaner look. Scotch tape is also a good alternative if you can’t find sticky dots when building a set.
Let there be LIGHT!
Finding the proper lighting while making and showing off your final creation makes all the difference. Find a space that is sufficiently lit where it’s not too dark or too bright making it hard to see the details of your craft. The same rule goes for taking a picture of your work.
(From left to right: Too dark – need more lighting, perfect lighting, and too bright – need less light.)
Real life backdrops
Finally, who could forget the real-life backdrops all around us. Whether it be displaying your eye-candy Paper Punk creation on a minimalist mantel, or taking a photo of your Paper Punk friend out in nature, sometimes the best sets are already made.
Much like taking the perfect selfie, creating the perfect set to show off your Paper Punk can sometimes be a little difficult. Hopefully our favorites become yours and your crafting experience is all the more better.